Why Your Food Processing Company Needs a Trusted Enzyme Supplier
Enzymes are made of protein and are found in every living cell. Anything that is alive naturally produces enzymes to speed up chemical reactions and aid in various tasks. They are used by the human body, for example, to digest food, remove toxins, build up or repair muscles, and even replicate DNA.
There are various industries that use enzymes, as well. Those in the textile business need enzymes for certain processes, like bleaching, scouring, and dyeing fabrics. Meanwhile, drug manufacturing requires accurate and accelerated chemical reactions to make medicines. Enzymes are used for that.
The food processing industry needs enzymes, too, for a lot of processes. If you venture into this kind of business, Wills International Sales Corporation can help. We are a reliable enzyme supplier in the Philippines, so you can rest assured that the products that we offer are high-quality and industry-grade. Contact us for more information.
A Brief Background on Enzymes in the Food Processing Industry
The term enzyme comes from the Greek word “enzymos,” which means roughly means “leavened” or “raised.” It was coined in the 1870s, or more than four decades since the first type of enzyme was identified. Even if that is the case, humans have actually been using enzymes much earlier than that.
The people in the ancient civilization around 7,000 BC had already developed a process that allows raw ingredients to ferment. They use this procedure to make certain food products, particularly wine, cheese, and bread. The technology slowly developed and led to the actual discovery of enzymes in the year 1833. With this advancement, experts were able to identify other applications of enzymes in various industries.
Soon, a technology to accurately separate and purify enzymes from various sources was developed. Today, there are certain companies that specialize in producing enzymes, while others focus on the distribution of these products. Such is what we do here at Wills International. If you need an enzyme supplier in the Philippines, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
Various Applications of Enzymes in the Food Processing Industry
The importance of enzymes in the food processing industry cannot be overstated. They have plenty of applications, and listed below are just a few examples:
Brewing Alcoholic Beverages
Brewery enzymes are essential in improving and speeding up the whole process of making beer and other alcoholic beverages. By using the right enzymes, brewers can control the amount that they produce. They can also expect that the products that they make will taste better. Enzymes are necessary for almost every step of the way. Here is an overview of how they are used in every phase:
Decoction and Mashing
Making alcoholic beverages primarily begins by heating barley and other raw materials and turning them into liquid. During this step, α-amylase and β-glucanase are needed to aid in liquefaction and filtration. The α-amylase enzyme is also needed in controlling the overall thickness of the liquefied mixture.
The main brewing process usually starts with the creation of the “mash.” The mash is later turned into “wort” due to chemical reactions induced by β-glucanase. This particular enzyme improves the fermentation process and makes the production of wort easier. Amyloglucosidase, α-amylase, and protease are also present in the process to stimulate yeast growth and improve the quality of the malt.
Fermentation is the core of the whole brewing process, and certain types of enzymes are used in this stage, as well. The ALDC enzyme (α-acetolactate-decarboxylase), for instance, is needed to speed up the whole procedure. During the fermentation process, it is necessary to regulate the temperature and pressure in the tank. These factors can significantly affect the chemical reactions induced by the enzymes.
Filtering and Post-Processing
Once fermentation is complete, the byproduct will be filtered and conditioned to ensure its quality. Again, α-amylase and β-glucanase are needed to improve filtration by aiding in the separation of unwanted elements in the liquid. Protease enzymes are required, as well, to make the finished product less hazy.
If you are a manufacturer of beer and other alcoholic beverages, you should get your enzymes from a reputable distributor, like Wills International. If you need an enzyme supplier in the Philippines, feel free to contact our company.
Making Cheese
There is enough evidence that cheese existed thousands of years ago, but no one knows exactly how and when it was invented. A popular tale, however, claims that it started when a merchant stored milk in a tiny pouch made of a ruminant’s stomach while crossing the desert. The chemicals in the lining of the pouch caused the milk to coagulate, thereby producing cheese.
The tale, although impossible to verify, is not too far-fetched. After all, the stomach of certain animals, such as calves, sheep, and goats, contain rennet. It is a kind of enzyme that reacts with casein, a protein found in milk. This chemical reaction causes casein to solidify and produce curds. Cheddar and other hard types of cheeses are essentially created using this process.
Other enzymes are needed to produce different kinds of cheese. Mixed with other factors, such as temperature and storage time, these enzymes are responsible for achieving the right texture and taste for various cheeses. Here are a few examples of enzymes that are needed in the production of cheese:
Catalase – Swiss, among other types of cheese, are made using unpasteurized milk Pasteurization kills bacteria but damages milk enzymes that are essential in preserving the flavor of the cheese. To prevent this from happening, catalase is used because it can get rid of unnecessary bacteria and keep the milk enzymes undamaged.
Lipase – This particular enzyme is needed to give cheese a different taste. Italian cheese, for instance, has a very strong flavor because of lipase.
Lactase – In a nutshell, lactase is responsible for giving some cheeses a creamy texture. Aside from that, lactase is known for breaking down lactose, so it is also used in producing lactose-free cheese.
If you are in the cheese-making industry, contact a trusted enzyme supplier in the Philippines. Feel free to contact us at Wills International if you require rennet or any other kind of enzyme.
Producing Flour
Flour is extremely important in making different types of food, particularly baked goods, like bread and cakes. During the production of flour in the milling facility, several kinds of enzymes are used. These enzymes are needed to give the end-product its desired texture and nutritional value. Among the enzymes used in producing flour are:
Glucose oxidase
This particular enzyme is responsible for giving flour its dry and silty texture. Without glucose oxidase, it is highly likely for the flour product to feel a bit wet and clump. Aside from that, this enzyme prolongs the shelf-life of the product and prevents it from getting spoiled easily.
Some people cannot consume gluten, a kind of protein that is found in most grains. Naturally, wheat and flour also contain this substance. Protease is needed to break down and weaken gluten in the flour. This way, it is now possible for some bakers to make gluten-free bread.
There are other uses of protease. This enzyme is needed to achieve the right viscosity in the dough and give some kinds of bread their flavor.
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